Resolutions 2021: January Update

Resolutions 2021: January Update

Okay, what the hell? What is it with January that it always feels like it’s four months long? January, you raggedy hoe. Okay, sorry, I had to get it out. But honestly, I started the month strong, getting workouts in on the peloton and my Alexia Clark app and...
Money Saving Tips: Skipping Starbucks

Money Saving Tips: Skipping Starbucks

I don’t know if I should admit this or not. Here goes. I spent $345 dollars on Starbucks from October 1, 2020 – January 1, 2021. I don’t even want to look at what the total was for 2020. Considering I would like to think I cut back on Starbucks during October to...
2021 Resolutions: Make Them Count

2021 Resolutions: Make Them Count

I am literally yelling at myself right now. Okay. 2020 was supposed to be my most productive year yet when it came to my resolutions, and…productive it was not. I mean I came out the gate completely wrong too. I know for a fact I blew all of the personal goals I...
Travel Wish List: Traveling in 2021

Travel Wish List: Traveling in 2021

My travel wish list for 2021! I got gipped (is that how you spell it?) in the travel category this year. All the way around. I didn’t get started until February with my Vegas trip for some hockey and then it came to an epic shut down until I got to go to Fort...