by TheSportsBrat™ | Sep 29, 2021 | Lifestyle, The Latest
Whew! I was living my best life all of September, at one point I thought I was a full time travel blogger. I will say I loved being gone every weekend seeing new cities and being that girl at the game. If you missed out on the crazy, I went to Chicago, New York, and...
by TheSportsBrat™ | Aug 22, 2021 | Lifestyle, The Latest
After quitting over a year ago, I’m back in the gym again. Let me tell you, my relationship with the gym is long, and it’s complicated. No, seriously. I know that sounds extreme considering this is not a dating relationship and we’re talking about a...
by TheSportsBrat™ | Jun 1, 2021 | Lifestyle, Sports, Sports Sundries, The Latest, Travel
It was brought to my attention that I have yet to do Houston Astros Gameday for The Sports Brat. For that, I apologize. I guess since I live in Houston I don’t see the need to do a gameday guide, but hello – y’all need the gameday guide! I recently...
by TheSportsBrat™ | Jun 1, 2021 | Lifestyle
Summer is here and I would like to be a little adventurous in my city. If you don’t know I live in the Houston area and I want to see the city again. I feel like I haven’t explored Houston in quite a bit so I want to get out and see what Houston has to offer. Here is...
by TheSportsBrat™ | Jun 1, 2021 | Lifestyle, The Latest
Whew! Hello June!! I can’t believe you’re finally here. I just wanted to drop a little note and share what is up at TSB and myself for the month. I’m a few days away from saying goodbye to another school year. This was a hard year for me, I won’t lie. I was pushed...
by TheSportsBrat™ | Jun 1, 2021 | Lifestyle, Sports, The Latest, Travel
Well I crossed off another ballpark and checked out the Kansas City Royals for gameday! It was a quick 36-hour trip but I made the most of it! I joined up with my girl Sade, of The Glamour Fanatic. If you’re not following her on Instagram, take this moment to do...