Whew! 2019 is almost in the rearview mirror. Let’s be honest, I’ve been planning out and dreaming up the perfect 2020 for a couple months. I have to tell you, I really want to hit the new year perfectly. I mean afterall, the year is 2020 and that’s perfect vision, right? Yea, I know, I had to. Anyway. I started thinking of my 2020 bucket llist and all of the things I want to do. I broke it all down by month. Somethings are already planned out, some are only a dream and many have those fingers crossed, shoot for the stars world series hopes vibes. While I go here is a look at what I have in mind, for the perfect 2020. No not everything is sports related…
Nothing is planned in January. Why? Because I need to recouperate from all of the crazy from 2019. Also, I have some personal projects that I am working on and really want to focus on those few things before I take off running. If something comes along, well, I like to live life to the fullest. For the most part, I think I can add Jetsetter to my Instagram bio.
Vegas – Time to get my hockey on and check out the Vegas Golden Knights. I will be meeting up with Alana from Life of Alana and she will be showing me the ropes of hockey travel. I’m not completely savvy on hockey but I watch hockey I do enjoy it. Is it weird that I look forward to the fights. And not to mention, some of the guys are super hot. Evander Kane…
Chicago – NBA ALL STAR. I am actually so excited for this. I’m going to Chicago to hang and watch the festivities. I really want to go to the slam dunk competition. That would be something to see.
Arizona and Tampa – Ahhhh you hear that? That cracking and popping sound? That’s the sound of the boys of summer. I officially can’t go without heading to spring training. If the stars align I will be at both spring trainings. I got my first taste of spring training this past March in Arizona and I fell in love. The intimacy of the smaller stadiums, the people, the setting it’s all so much fun. So this year, I am making it a point to get to both. This time I have to get to Tampa and see my boys in pinstripes.
Baltimore – The Yankees open the regular season in Baltimore and I want nothing more than to be there. I’ve never been to Camden Yards, and well, why not celebrate the start to a new MLB season with a stop at a new stadium!
New York – Kailee and I have plans already. We are trying to get to the Bronx for the first round Red Sox/Yankees showdowns. I’ve NEVER been to Yankees/Red Sox unless you wanna count me being glued to the tv. So. This one, we are definitely doing and I really can’t wait.
Los Angeles – Let’s go coast to coast, shall we? I’ve never been to a Dodgers game, so that is definitely on my to do list. Time to bring my overdressed to baseball games back to LA. You remember me in Anaheim, right?
New York – Guess who’s back, back again. My mom and I usually are back in the city around this time of year anyway, so this wouldn’t be sports related at all. Probably just a shopping trip with my mom but
Iowa – If you’ve been listening to Belles of the Ball Podcast you know Kailee and I have been talking about Iowa since Iowa was introduced in April. We’re going – tickets or not. If you don’t know, the Yankees and White Sox will be playing a regular season game at the Field of Dreams and we are so excited! We’ll be two of a ton of people fighting for two of 8,000 tickets. May the odds be in our favor.
Come on College Football, I see you. If there’s another season I look forward to more than baseball, it’s college football. I swear, September – November is definitely the season of food and tailgating and I live for it. Who knows where I turn up this next college season. I do want to finish off the Big 12 stadiums – maybe follow OU around, but I do want to see some big SEC games as well. Hopefully I can cross four new college stadiums off of my list. Columbus, Ann Arbor, Death Valley, Athens…I’m looking at you.
New York – Yes, AGAIN. So I am dying to do a super weekend in NYC. It would be perfect to have baseball, football and basketball all in one weekend. Although that would be hard. But it’s worth a shot, right?
Columbus, OH – If you know me well, you know Brutus Buckeye is one of my favorite mascots and if I’m not cheering for OU, I’m cheering for the Buckeyes. I would love to get back to Columbus for a good Ohio State/Michigan match up in the ‘Shoe.
All I want for Christmas is to go to the College Football Playoffs! It doesn’t matter who is playing, I want to go. I want to attend a semi final game and then head to the championship. Do like a little closing to a year and kicking off a new sports year. Would be so much fun!
Well, there you have it – my wish list for 2020.