I am literally yelling at myself right now. Okay. 2020 was supposed to be my most productive year yet when it came to my resolutions, and…productive it was not. I mean I came out the gate completely wrong too. I know for a fact I blew all of the personal goals I had set for myself by mid January. Even though one can always start over, I never did. February came and went. Marchtober happened. The next thing I knew we were talking holiday gift guides and I realized I had accomplished none of my resolutions. A few years ago I stopped making resolutions because I thought they were pointless. The past two years, I haven’t stuck to anything I said I was going to do, and now I’m getting older (eye roll) and it’s time to get a bit more serious about my resolutions. What makes these resolutions better is that they don’t have end dates. I don’t have a deadline for any of the resolutions. Each resolution will be open ended, that will hopefully lead to lifestyle changes that are actually life changing. Here are my resolutions for 2021:

Save Money: This is a big one. I honestly spent an embarrassing amount of money at Starbucks and in fast food drive thrus, and I have every intention of eliminating that. My number one resolution in 2021 is saving money. If I don’t accomplish all of my resolutions or at least start making headway, I hope to get a grip on the saving. I would like to buy a house in the next two years, so that is a big focus for me.

Go Out: Although this resolution is counter-productive to the previous, I am a homebody. Unless I’m going to a game or headed to work, I’m literally at the house. I need to get out more, and not just to an arena. And who knows, when I go out, I may just end up on a date.

Get Active and Lose Weight: I know we are in a world of body positivity and we should embrace our bodies and what not. But I would like to lose weight and get healthy. I’m a stress and emotional eater and this year has been stressful and emotional for me

Take Action: What ever personal goal I set, I need to be intentional about them. There have been goals that I have had and things I’ve complained about for years that I have yet to do anything about. It came to a head when recently multiple people have been calling me out on a lack of progress on the things I complain about the most. I am not talking about friends and family, but people who see me occasionally (a doctor called me out! I had nothing to come back with. I was like, damn, okay) calling me out. It’s been a wild few weeks that made me realize I talk a lot with no action. There we go I said it. This year, I will take action.

There you have it. Those are my resolutions for 2021. Hopefully sharing these with all of you will hold me accountable. Cheers to everyone embarking on new paths with new goals and new adventures!