Waking up today is like waking up the day after Christmas.  It’s over.  The World Cup is over.  We have to wait another 4 years (well the women’s tourney is next June!).  Anyways all this World Cup-watching has me totally reconnecting with soccer.  I forgot how much I love the sport and I forgot how freaking in-shape the players are.  So I decided to create a little World Cup inspired Fitness post.

World Cup Inspired Fitness

World Cup Inspired Fitness

World Cup Inspired Fitness

World Cup Inspired Fitness

World Cup Inspired Fitness

First up, run 10 miles.  Ok I’m kidding – kind of.  Start with a dynamic warm up of sorts, some lunging, skipping, high knees, etc.  Then, once you feel warm, do each of the following moves 3 times for 45 seconds each.

Toe Taps

World Cup Inspired Fitness- Toe Taps

World Cup Inspired Fitness- Toe Taps

World Cup Inspired Fitness- Toe Taps

World Cup Inspired Fitness- Toe Taps

This is a pretty simple but very effective move to get your heart rate up.  You alternate tapping your toes on top of the ball.  The key is to not move the ball.  The pros will do this and the ball will not move.  You’re staying light on your feet.

Throw Ins

World Cup Inspired Fitness- Throw Ins

World Cup Inspired Fitness- Throw Ins

This is a move that will totally work your triceps.  You’ve probably done this one before but haven’t realized the move is exactly like a throw in.  I use a 10 lb. weight for this move.

World Cup Inspired Fitness- Throw Ins

World Cup Inspired Fitness- Throw Ins

World Cup Inspired Fitness- Throw Ins

World Cup Inspired Fitness- Throw Ins

World Cup Inspired Fitness- Throw Ins

World Cup Inspired Fitness- Throw Ins

Stand with one foot in front of the other for stability, and simply drop the weight behind our head and straighten back out slowly.  This will light up your triceps.  Oftentimes, soccer players focus so much on lower body but with all the running and cutting we can’t forget about our upper bods. You have to be strong on top to hold players off the ball.

Ball Pass

World Cup Inspired Fitness- Ball Pass

World Cup Inspired Fitness- Ball Pass

Core is also super important in soccer. The ball pass is a killer ab workout.  If you wanted to up this you could use the weight.  You start laying down with arms and legs extended, ball in your hands and you simply do a V up to pass the ball to your feet.  You straighten back out and them bring the ball up to meet your hands.  Continue this ball pass for the 45 seconds.

World Cup Inspired Fitness- Ball Pass

World Cup Inspired Fitness- Ball Pass

World Cup Inspired Fitness- Ball Pass

World Cup Inspired Fitness- Ball Pass

World Cup Inspired Fitness- Ball Pass

World Cup Inspired Fitness- Ball Pass

World Cup Inspired Fitness- Ball Pass

World Cup Inspired Fitness- Ball Pass

It’s an oldie but goodie!

Elevated Push Ups

Back to the arms again. You start with one hand on the ground and one on the ball and do a push up.

World Cup Inspired Fitness- Elevated Push Up

World Cup Inspired Fitness- Elevated Push Up

World Cup Inspired Fitness- Elevated Push Up

World Cup Inspired Fitness- Elevated Push Up

Continue this for 45 seconds and then switch sides for another 45 seconds.

Plank Taps

World Cup Inspired Fitness- Plank Taps

World Cup Inspired Fitness- Plank Taps

Trust me when I say these are way harder than you would think.  Keeping stability on the ball is tricky! You keep toes on the ball and extend to a plank.  Then you will slowly and controlled, tap one foot to the ground while keeping the other on the ball.  Then switch feet. Continue to alternate for 45 seconds.

World Cup Inspired Fitness- Plank Taps

World Cup Inspired Fitness- Plank Taps

World Cup Inspired Fitness- Plank Taps

World Cup Inspired Fitness- Plank Taps

World Cup Inspired Fitness- Plank Taps

World Cup Inspired Fitness- Plank Taps

World Cup Inspired Fitness- Plank Taps

World Cup Inspired Fitness- Plank Taps

V Push Ups

Last, but not least, we finish with arms again in a narrow v push up.  You’ve probably done these before but having your hands on the ball challenges your balance and core as well as your arms

World Cup Inspired Fitness- PV Push Ups

World Cup Inspired Fitness- PV Push Ups

World Cup Inspired Fitness- PV Push Ups

World Cup Inspired Fitness- PV Push Ups

World Cup Inspired Fitness- PV Push Ups

World Cup Inspired Fitness- PV Push Ups

The more slowly you do these, the more challenging they will be.

There you have it, these killer moves 5 times each for 45 seconds will have you uber toned.  But, if I’m being honest, you won’t get that soccer bod without a lot of cardio.  I recommend finishing this workout with a run.  You can do a timed mile, you can go for 3-5 miles slowly or do a run/walk interval.  If you really want to up your cardio you can do sprints.  The 300 yard shuttle is the best.  I never thought I would say that.  Ever.  Also, it’s not the best but it will absolutely kick your butt.  You measure off 50 yards and go there and back 3 times, as fast as you can.  Try to do 6.

FYI “get on the line” still gives me anxiety.  I don’t think I have sprinted in so long but if that’s your jam and you’re looking for a challenge. Do it!

I hope you enjoy this World Cup Inspired Fitness plan.  I’d love to hear if you try it out! Leave a comment below. And if you’re into my “All Day I Dream About Soccer” (Adidas) outfit, you can shop it below:

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Have a great week!