I don’t talk about skincare all that much since, you know, I mostly talk about game day. But if we’re going to be honest, skincare is the basis of everything. I’m a natural (or no make-up) kind of gal so its important that my canvas is the best it can be.
Lately, I’ve been super into skin care. Maybe it’s because I’m well into my 30’s now so I see an actual difference when I take the time to take care of my skin. Full disclosure, I have been getting botox on my forehead, crows feet and the place between my eyes since I was 27. Everyone gave me a pretty hard time about it but I don’t have thick wrinkles anymore and I can still have my super expressive face, so I’m a fan. In Dallas I’ve been to Dr. Crawford and Natalie at Surface Skin Spa. They’re both phenom!
I also have started doing more regular facials, at the med spa. I’ve done micro needling and the IPL facial. I love the IPL and notice the biggest difference. I still want to try the hyrdofacial, I’ve heard wonderful things about it. But when it comes to the day-to-day routine at home, I have to keep it up. Otherwise you lose the results more quickly. So let’s dive into my skincare favorites!
Skincare with The Sports Brat
First things first, every day I do the following morning routine.
- Cleanse
- Massage Rosehip oil
- syrum
- jade roller
- Moisturizer
- Eye cream
- Sunscreen
You can shop all the products here.
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Let’s take a brief pause to talk about steps 2-4. I am obsessed with facial massage now. I’m lazy, but this extra 5 minutes has been a game changer. Not only does the facial massage and jade roller help to decrease puffiness and get my lymphatic system drained but I am not kidding when I say my make up looks so much better. I don’t know exactly what it is but when I do the massager and the rose hip oil before I apply my foundation its flawless. Below are the exact products I use for those steps.
Facial Massage tools
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I also want to take a moment to talk, in detail, about sunscreen. I am horrible. I grew up in San Diego, playing soccer or at the beach so I fried my skin. The darker the better. Tanning oil? Yes please. So now that I’m in my 30s I have to say, they were right, I do regret doing that. I’m trying to reverse the sun damage now. That’s where those IPL facials come in. They target dark spots and help reduce lines and promote collagen production. It’s a laser (I recommend numbing before) and they do one or two passes. It’s not the relaxing facial you may have had but boy does it work. I see Chelsea at Surface Skin Spa.
Ok so back to sunscreen. I’m now on the sunscreen train. After spending some serious cash to reverse sun damage I want the results to last. But sunscreen can smell bad, feel tacky on your skin and mess up your make up. But don’t worry, I’ve found the perfect sunscreen products.
I use the unseen sunscreen every day. I also use the setting mist as a touch up. It’s so important to remember to reapply and no one wants to rub sunscreen over their make up. I keep the tiny travel size in my bag for game day. It’s a must. And lastly I’m obsessed with the hand cream. Our hands are so beat up and we never care for them so now I’m trying to get ahead of the damage and I use their hand sunscreen throughout the day. I have the pumps in the bathrooms at my house.
Sunscreen Musts
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This is going to sound silly but I use drug store face wash. I always have and I love it. Plus I save money so I can splurge on other things like my syrum, moisturizer and eye cream. I use Circadia Vitamin C Renewal syrum or the Sone Crop Syrum. I use Chanel Le Lift eye cream and Skin Medica Moisturizer. I’m not sold on they eye cream, I haven’t found one I can’t live without yet but the moisturizer is a must for anyone with drier skin.
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In addition to my daily routines. Every other night I add in retinol. Yep! I finally am doing retinol and what a game changer. I also exfoliate 3 times a week or when I feel like I need a little sloughing. I am obsessed with the one I use from Eminence. I have linked them both below for you to shop. Trust me.
Special Skincare Add-ins
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Finally, let’s go over my favorite part, masks. I add in some little extras as needed throughout the week. I probably do 2-3 a week simply because I love it. Below are my favorite masks.
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In addition to masks, I also love to luxuriate in the bath with some special bombs and salts. I love a good body oil and other body products, so I figured I’d share those with you real quick to wrap things up! And I cannot forget to mention my favorite facial steamer. I LOVE it. I also use an ice roller for the days I’m a tad hung over. You can shop them all below!
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There you have it, my total skin care routine. All of my favorites, all of my tricks. Let me know what you guys think and I always love new recommendations. So if you have a killer product, comment below.
Have a great week everyone!