Let’s talk TCU Game Day during a pandemic! I thought my dreams of attending a football game this season were over around August when I canceled my plans for Ohio State/Michigan in Columbus. If you read my Pandemic Baseball post, you know that post started out pretty similar to this one. I thought the baseball game was going to be my only in person activity Post-COVID in 2020. I was still thinking I would be ruled out of attending football games until last month when I got the opportunity to go to the Oklahoma vs Texas Christian game in Fort Worth. I had the best time. Now, I’ve never been to TCU or Fort Worth for that matter. I usually tend to stick around Dallas and Arlington whenever I go up that way. But Fort Worth, you are pretty (and) charming. If you have ever wanted to experience TCU game day, I say definitely go. If you are wondering about attending a game during a pandemic, well, I’ve got everything you need to know.  

Getting In 

Game day during a pandemic is something like an alternate universe. Everything you are primed for with football games is not an issue anymore. Long lines to get in the stadium have been replaced with short lines, and a temperature check. We received wristbands that cleared us to enter the stadium based on the temperature screening.  

Hanging with Lauren of @gabbinginger

Seating & Masks 

In a pandemic, tickets are grouped together in what appeared to be groups of four. Everyone around us was in a group of four, with up to four seats between each group. This also allowed for people to be able to spread out even more. To be honest with you, I missed the energy and adrenaline of a packed stadium, however the ability to be in a stadium watching live college football made it all worth it.  

Of course, masks are required everywhere you go in the stadium. You can only have them off if you are actively eating or drinking. Pretty much the standard rules and procedures everywhere you go. I did not see anyone abusing the rule and no one had their mask off just to have it off – that I saw.  Also the stadium does serve alcohol.  

Pre Game

Lauren and I went to the Woodshed Smokehouse in Fort Worth. We both had avocado toast and mimosas. Lol… Woodshed is a barbecue place and we had avocado toast. Hello, Basic Bloggers. Woodshed turned out to be a good spot to also Uber to the game from. For a $10 Uber ride you can save yourself parking and be dropped off right where you need to be.  

Post Game  

After the game (which was a 33-14 Oklahoma win, btw 🙂 ), we walked over to Dutch’s and hung out to let non-existent crowd and Uber surcharges drop. I won’t like to you. I will make a trip back to Fort Worth just to go back and eat more food. I ordered onion rings and a margarita and Lauren grabbed a cookie. We only post game snacking but when the frito chili pie and cheese fries came past me I was like, gimme dat! So now, of course, I need to go back just to try the entire menu. Anyone wanna sponsor that trip? LOL. No, really…

Overall Thoughts 

I felt completely comfortable venturing out to an open-air stadium watching football this past weekend. I would do it again in a heartbeat. For the most part everywhere I went in the Dallas/Fort Worth area was safe. Except for one experience at a restaurant where I wasn’t fully comfortable but they were supposedly in compliance with Dallas rules. Other than that I have to add that COVID has not disappeared. It is still here. It is up to you to make the call on what you do or don’t do. Don’t gather in large groups, and walk around without your mask on. Follow the procedures and of course keep hand sanitizer near and use it. I hope to go to another game this season, but it probably won’t be for a few more weeks. I want to venture out to a Houston Texans game so we shall see if that happens before the season ends. Have you attended any football games this season? Share your story with me on Instagram or below in the comments.