Yeah, the look on my face says it all. Hairflip and I’m over it. I am grateful for sports this year. Any kind of entertainment that can make a not-so-normal year feel ordinary is a win. However, I’m over the cancellations, the make ups, the screw ups and the what nows of this season. This is not what I asked for. Yes, I am a biased OU fan who’s team is nowhere near playoff contention, that’s fine, but the rest of the landscape is – how do I put this nicely – crap. There’s no excitement anywhere. Weekly I join Sharon Moody on Dani’s Game of Inches and we share our thoughts on football stories of the week. I’ve decided that I will start doing a weekly recap here on the blog to give those of you that aren’t fans of watching video or listening to podcasts, my thoughts in writing. Now, here’s my rant on NFL and NCAAF thus far.
Okay, I have an idea. Why doesn’t the NFL do like the NBA and just shut it down for two weeks and come back straight to playoffs with only those that are in contention and have games that matter? I feel as if that just might be the way to go. Instead of rescheduling games that really don’t matter in the long run, just send those that are already clinched and primed for the playoff to head on over to playoffs. Let every team be healthy (or as healthy as they can be) for playoffs so we, the fans, get what we deserve. With that being said the Chiefs will repeat as Super Bowl Champs. Patrick Mahomes will repeat as MVP. Done.
Okay. Let’s just kill conferences, shall we and create divisions. OR keep your conferences, and make a playoff that makes sense and doesn’t leave space for people to complain and say, “we’ll never get in cause we’re not ______”. I hate to drag basketball back into this conversation but, NCAAB you’re up. Let’s have a playoff that built like March Madness, shall we? I discussed what my playoff football should look like if I had it my way and you can listen to that episode in depth, here. I know there are tons of logistics I probably haven’t thought of but I mean, the way it is now, can someone please make it make sense, cause none of this does. If there’s anything I really have a problem with, it’s that the same few teams making regular appearances. There’s no room for a Cinderella team for the country to get behind. Maybe that’s all I want, just a Cinderella in college football that’s NOT in a Power 5 conference. Please? That’s all I ask for.
I never claim to be an analyst, I just read Twitter and watch games like everyone else. If you ever wanna hear my and Sharon’s thoughts and get real time reactions during games, tune into Dani’s Game of Inches every Tuesday. If not, just tune in here, I’ll keep you posted.