Hold on just a minute! Before I get into it, does anyone else feel like they need a hard reset? It’s only been a month into 2019 and I feel like I need a minutes. Like, press that emergency stop button on the treadmill. Has anyone actually ever used that? Whether it was on the treadmill or the stair climber? I mean, the machine stops so fast you best brace yourself. Let me tell you, I set out on 2019 with so many goals, so many ideas. I swear since January 1 hit, I’ve been slammed with a bunch of extras and everything that I didn’t plan for. Even though January seemed to have lasted about a year and offered more than was to be desired, there was much to be thankful for in the long run.

For one, I’m excited to share that I will be attending Alt Summit in Palm Springs. I am volunteering at the conference as part of the Social Media team. So if you see me there, come say hey to your girl. If you have never heard of Alt Summit then you need to check them out. If you are a female entrepreneur, you definitely need to check it out. On the personal side, I’m wrapping up another season as a head swim coach. This weekend, my team is competing for a spot in the state meet that is in a few weeks. In Texas, the State swim meet is the furthest you can go in competition. I am excited to see what the team does, and you may see some of the excitement go down on my Instagram Story.

Lastly, The Super Bowl is here and we’re closing out an interesting football season. I, for one, am footballed out. I didn’t think that was possible, but I’m kinda glad to see the season go. It didn’t help that I didn’t particularly like the way the AFC and NFC Championship games played out either. Whoever wins will win, I guess. I’ll be at a Super Bowl party on Sunday, but I’ll probably be home in my pajamas by halftime. I’m not particularly excited about the Halftime Show either. Am I the only one out there? Like, meh. Maybe I’m just excited because the end of football season is approaching and February means that baseball and spring training are literally in view.

Finally, it’s almost time to welcome back those boys of summer. If you’re like me, you’ve got a serious thang for baseball. Yes I love basketball and football, but sigh…baseball. And thankfully the off season is just about over! Ah, yes. Pitchers and catchers are set to report on February 12th for most teams. If you’re an Oakland A’s fan, your aces will report for duty February 10th. I originally planned to make my way down to Tampa for New York Yankees Spring training; however, due to my March schedule, my Grapefruit League experience will have to wait another year. Unless the stars align and I am able to get to Tampa…fingers crossed…I’m sad I won’t be able to go. I’ve heard how fun it is and I really want to see what all the fuss is about down in Tampa in March. Even though I had to scrap ST from my MLB lineup (for now, I’m still holding out hope), I do have baseball action set. I will make my way to Boston in April, New York in May and late summer, and some other cities are still in the works, so stay tuned. I’m so ready for that crack of the bat to fill the air. Who’s with me? Where are you going? What teams are you ready to cheer for? I watch all teams, not just the Yankees. In the next few weeks, I will be putting together my way too early predictions. What are your predictions for some of those big name players?
