Holy Moly! I spent the weekend in this limbo between Thanksgiving and Christmas. My Christmas lights are up, but my harvest decor is still on the porch. I call it Thanksgiving on the bottom, Christmas on the top. I’m typing this wearing a Christmas Fabletics set! I’m so grateful for this year in general. I was all over the place. A couple new places have graced the Sports Brat including Nashville and Kansas City. I will be traveling in a couple of weeks back to one of my favorite cities. Okay here’s a hit, it’s out west!
I can’t wait for what is in store for next year. I will be taking a travel break from Christmas and will pick back up with sports travel around March. That doesn’t mean that gameday won’t be happening. We’re coming up on bowl season and the biggest hosting day of them all, the Super Bowl! Do I have any college basketball fans out there? College hoops will be making it’s way to the travel page here in the next few weeks and I couldn’t be more excited.
I just wanted to give ya’ll a little update and say, hello! I’ll be popping in a few more times before the year wraps up, but other than that I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving with family and friends and have a wonderful holiday season!