Take me out to the ball game…or not.  It’s so hot in Texas that I’m very unmotivated to head out for a game.  But I miss it.  I miss the stadium, the beer and, of course, the food.  When I think of baseball I think of cracker jacks.  Sure you can buy it almost anywhere but why not try a homemade cracker jacks recipe? I tried a couple and love this one from Add a Pinch.

Homemade Cracker Jacks

Homemade Cracker Jacks

Homemade Cracker Jacks

Ah it’s the perfect summer snack.  They’re salty, sweet and literally take you right to the ballpark.  Ok so I’m sure you’re thinking this is going to be super easy or super hard.  If you guessed easy, you’re right!


  • 2 cups salted red skinned peanuts
  • 15 cups popped corn
  • 1 1/2 cups packed brown sugar
  • 6 tablespoons light corn syrup
  • 1 1/2 sticks butter
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 3/4 teaspoons baking soda


  1. Preheat oven to 200º F.
  2. Place popped corn and peanuts in large bowl. Stir until mixed well.
  3. Melt brown sugar, corn syrup, and butter in a medium saucepan, slowly boil for 5 minutes.
  4. Remove from heat and add vanilla and baking soda.
  5. Pour over popped corn and peanut mixture, stirring until well coated.
  6. Spread evenly on two large baking sheets.
  7. Bake for 1 hour, stirring every 15 minutes.
  8. Cool and serve!
Homemade Cracker Jacks

Homemade Cracker Jacks

Homemade Cracker Jacks

Homemade Cracker Jacks

How freaking cute are these little popcorn bowls? When it comes to pop corn or cracker jacks you gotta have something cute to serve them in.  I found these at crate and barrel.  I added some other cute ones you can snag below.  Just click on the icon and you can serve your homemade cracker jacks in one of them!

Let’s also talk about my cute tee.  I’m an ambassador for Live Love Gameday and while we’re taking about ball parks and cracker jacks, let’s talk about their adorable game day apparel.
Homemade Cracker Jacks

Homemade Cracker Jacks

You can head to Live Love Gameday and search baseball or any sport and shop your hearts out.  Their tees are super cute, soft and totally last.  I have some faves from years ago that are still in great shape!

I’m also on a scrunchie kick…shocker.  I found these little babies on Amazon for super cheap!  How freaking cute are these little guys? I keep calling them little because they’re smaller than the normal scrunchie.  I have thin hair, as you know…so I need thiner scrunchies.  You can shop them below.


Ok there you have it! Easy homemade cracker jacks and all the summer ball park goodies for games or for home! I hope you have a great weekend! And for more gameday recipes like these check out my Tailgate Treats section.