Skincare is an ongoing battle. Anyone else feel like they are constantly trying to drink enough water, take all the vitamins, buy all the serums, exfoliate, get the facials, try the newest techniques – whatever you can do to look your best and maintain a glow. Can I let you in on a little secret? Back in August, I got a facial for the second time in my life. The first one was about 8 years ago at a resort while I was on vacation. I know many women out there who get facials on the regular and I’m always just sitting back like, well, I exfoliate. Another thing I was shocked about – I thought I was the only one like this. Haha! Well, this post is for my ladies that don’t do facials. let me tell you, I am now a facials kind of girl. I got the oxygen facial at Cru Day Spa in Sugar Land, added in dermaplaning, and I will never change a thing.
First a foremost my favorite thing about a facial is it is relaxing. I know that’s the typical thing to say, but it’s true! At Cru, they have their own skin care line, so they use their own products. I absolutely love the roses toner and face wash. If you’ve ever wondered what derma planing is like, there’s nothing to it! I was nervous it was going to be painful (which I hear micro needling is and that’s the next thing on my beauty wish list) and it was not even close. Light scraping along the face gets rid of all the peach fuzz and dead skin from your face. The first time you wash your face after, I swear it’s like the water just slides off. Think of it as shaving your face. After, your makeup just glides on your face and everything just looks so much smoother.
I know some of you are saying, you’re just now trying derma planing? What are you martian, where have you been? I know, I just don’t think to try things out like that. I try all sorts of things and beauty treatments haven’t exactly been in the forefront of my beauty routine list. Lashes, nails, hair, waxings are all done routinely, but facials, facials are new to my maintenance routine and I am so happy to welcome them to my monthly-ish routine.