Oh my goodness, we’re finally here! MLB has finally got their ish together and figured things out, NBA will be back, NFL is planning on starting on schedule, NASCAR is running, Golf is going…things are looking up! MLB Opening Day is July 23-24! Oof, yes. July. While I’m way over the back and forth and crazy negotiation talk, I’m excited to finally see my boys of summer back on the field, even if I can’t be there. I was already planning on not traveling until 2021 but then I realized, I really need to see some baseball. NASCAR and Golf have held us over, but let’s be real, I’m missing baseball and I definitely felt denied by basketball so I’m so looking forward to then end of July when everyone is scheduled to return. However…I have some concerns.
I know all the leagues have all of their protocols on place, but every time I turn around I have an alert about some player, testing positive for COVID. Now, I know these guys are in shape and the virus can be mild in athletes, blah blah blah. But what if it just runs rampant once players get to their bubbles and camps? Am I the only one that’s super excited but also concerned? Ahhh! I’m so excited but I’m so nervous. I talked about this a little on A Guy and Girl Talk Sports podcast (you can listen to my episode here :). Obviously I want sports to start back up ASAP, but I really want everyone to be safe. The other day it was reported that 28 Clemson athletes tested positive. 23 of them were football players. Like, what?! This kind of stresses me out considering even though things seem to be getting somewhat normal, and normal activities are resuming, the virus is affecting everyone. Obviously I’m no doctor, or expert in viruses – I’m just s a concerned fan.
Anyway. Cheers, everyone. Our unexpected offseason has *almost* come to an end.