Happy Monday and whatever day of quarantine this is for us. It’s been a wild ride. I’ve had good and productive days, and then there are times that I’m restless and eating everything in sight. That was definitely Saturday. It was so bad that I almost Door Dash-ed Cheesecake Factory at 9:30 at night. I know everyone has been joking about how much they have been eating every day. To give you some insight on the eating, I am on my second jar of monster trail mix from Target in about a week. I really need to slow it down on the trail mix…
For the past week I have been going back and forth on how to create content that isn’t glossy and glazed over in this weird, unprecedented time. I have been thinking about how this is impacting all of you. I know for one, I am irritated by the designer hand bag unboxings when people are losing jobs, can’t work due to the government shutting them down as they are non-essential businesses, or just the uncertainty of cash flow in general for many. I know I am guilty of sharing Like To Know It posts that have commission links that benefit me. I realize that I am basically doing the same thing, and promise to keep them at a minimum. I have also thought of ways to create sports related content when there are no sports going on. I am usually traveling and bringing you game day stories and travel things but unfortunately all of my travels have been canceled through May. I’m holding out for baseball as I do have a June trip to Boston and July trip to LA. Those plans are still up in the air as we wait for play to resume amongst all of the leagues. For one, you can always listen to Kailee and I on Belles of the Ball podcast, chatting it up with each other and special guests; speaking about what’s on our minds and current events. We have a lot on tap over there and I’m so excited for what’s to come. I invite you to listen, even if it is just background noise while you work. I know most of you are working from home these days.
Another thing I am working on is recipes for the upcoming tailgate season. I know I slacked big time on that this past fall so I want to come ready for you in August. Time to start working on my grilling skills and getting a little more creative in the kitchen :), let’s hope that I don’t burn the house down. 🙂
I wanted to keep this short, cause no one has time for all the scrolling…oh wait. 🙂 I also want to say that I am so grateful for the sports community that exists online. We are all coming together and figuring out ways to be creative and work during this time when what we love is currently unavailable to us. I hope you are all well, being not only safe but smart. Don’t go out unless it’s absolutely necessary, get some fresh air every day, go for a run, walk whatever. Let’s get through this together. Until next week!