This has been the longest January and I figured I should give you a life update. Also I want you to know that I am definitely supposed to be writing a discussion post on theoretical vs. applied research and I have only written two sentences. So if you are wondering had grad school is going, consider that your update.

I can’t stress how this has been the longest January. It’s been the wildest start to the year. Personally, financially – all the things. I was super optimistic to start 2025. I would be starting a new graduate program, a new running program with two half marathons and maybe a third scheduled for the year, and an overall fresh start. I put a savings plan in place for the year. I am going to Italy this summer, traveling to New York and meeting with a friend in Austin in the late spring and then BAM!

Okay let’s just say, January has not made any indication that my vision board would maybe show some promise. It has been one thing after the other, and if there’s one thing I know for sure, the personal finances aspect is already taking a hit. My car needs more than just yearly maintenance AGAIN, medical bills are kinda piling up (I was diagnosed with sleep apnea in November) and now I’m like, HOW are we already off to a bad start? Grad school is pretty time consuming – I planned for that and expected it – but I’m realizing that somethings are going to have to be cut off.

I know you’ve grown accustomed to me posting travel and gameday outfits and more, but consider this my warning that those things will slow down this early part of the year. You will see more lifestyle. Day in the life posts, my new running series that will be featured on Instagram Reels and YouTube shorts on Sundays, and the sporadic posts here and there. One thing I do want to do better with and I know I say this yearly, but keeping you updated here on the blog. If TikTok shutting down for 12 hours taught us anything, it’s that social media isn’t forever.

Anyway, that’s my life update. I’ve put off the discussion post for long enough. See you on the ‘Gram.